TAG: "Renewable Energy Goal"
Welspun New Energy Signs MoU with Maharashtra Govt. for 1.2 GW Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Project
Welspun New Energy has signed an MoU with the Maharashtra’s Department of Water Resources to develop the 1.2 GW Pumped Hydroelectric Storage Project, named ‘Dhamni Pumped Hydro Project’ and will see an investment of approximately INR 5,000 crores.
Renewable Energy Goal | September 07, 2024 | By EI News Network | 6031
Amazon Achieves 100 Percent Renewable Energy Goal Seven Years Ahead of Target
Since 2019, Amazon has enabled renewable energy projects in 27 countries and was the first corporation to enable utility-scale renewable energy projects in India, Greece, South Africa, Japan, and Indonesia, among other countries.
Renewable Energy Goal | July 11, 2024 | By Abha Rustagi | 1768
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